What does it mean to reduce the Iraqi dinar price against the dollar? .. An economist answers

What does it mean to reduce the Iraqi dinar price against the dollar? .. An economist answers

What does it mean to reduce the Iraqi dinar price against the dollar? .. An economist answersBaghdad – people: On Thursday, economist and academic expert Nabil Al-Marsoumi expected a set of results if the proposal to reduce the price of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar was applied to counter the financial crisis.

“If the Iraqi dinar exchange rate is reduced substantially by 25%, for example, the economies of some of the countries neighboring Iraq that export to it more than 20 billion dollars will be severely damaged,” said Al-Marsoumi, an academic at the University of Basra. Annually, because the cost of its exports to Iraq will become high and its competitive capabilities in the Iraqi market will decrease, which is an important brake on taking this type of policy due to the strong influence that neighboring countries possess in Iraq.

He added, “Given the lack of flexibility of the production base and its limitations in Iraq, the prices of imported goods will rise in the short term, especially, but in the medium and long term this may constitute an incentive to activate the role of the private sector in establishing projects producing consumer goods, especially food, to cover the needs of the Iraqi market, which will lead to lower prices. Later”.

He continued, “The government revenues denominated in the Iraqi dinar will increase by the same percentage of the dinar price, which will increase its ability to cover public expenditures and maintain the cash reserves of the Iraqi Central Bank from erosion.”

He pointed to another point which is that “putting an end to the flight of capital in view of the low value of the dollar in the face of the dinar, as well as reducing Iraqi investments abroad, especially in real estate and reducing Iraqi deposits in foreign banks, as well as the relative reduction of money laundering operations in Iraq.”

In this regard, the decree expected that “reducing foreign labor in Iraq, as work becomes less feasible on the one hand, and foreign labor becomes more expensive compared to national employment.”


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