Exchange rate first

Exchange rate first

سعر الصرف أولاًIt is time to adjust the exchange rate to enhance the value of the national currency (the Iraqi dinar) against the dollar.

And now that the reasons that prompted the decrease in the exchange rate of the dinar against the dollar as a monetary treatment to overcome the obstacle of the country being forced to borrow externally and internally have disappeared, there is no justification for sticking to this painful measure that touched the lives of all segments of society.

The direct reason for this tight monetary policy was the drop in global oil prices with the effects of the Corona pandemic, and the world has largely overcome this difficult ordeal.
With the return of oil prices to the rise, a cash surplus was achieved that contributed to supporting and strengthening the Iraqi cash reserve, the safety valve for periodic financial crises and natural disasters.

In addition to the above, Iraq was able to close the curtain on the debts imposed on Iraq forcibly to Kuwait. These factors and indicators are encouraging to readjust the exchange rate to what it was before the revaluation of the dollar against the dinar Iraqi.

Perhaps one of the most important reasons and justifications for the demand to return the exchange rate to its normal state is the situation and the painful effects that the citizen has endured, forcing him to give the government the opportunity to address the already dire financial situation.

The measure to reduce the exchange rates of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar has caused chaos in the market and broke down the stability that the market enjoyed at the previous rate.

The prices of materials and goods have been inflamed, which has affected the purchasing power of the citizen. You can imagine the extent of the suffering caused by the prices of medicines and basic materials for all segments of society, especially the poor, the retired and the employees.

The measures taken by the government to treat the poor segments were not equivalent to the effects of the exchange rate difference.

Accordingly, one of the tasks of the new government is to take decisions to restore the price and take strict measures against price manipulators, especially medicines and important commodities that touch the citizen’s livelihood by activating the role of careful monitoring of the market.

In mentioning the prices of medicines, the Pharmacists and Physicians Syndicates must activate their role in monitoring and accountability.

For this reason, let us make readjusting the exchange rate the first task of the next government and parliament to relieve the burden of the citizen.

A question that comes to mind, can the concerned authorities begin to gradually reduce the exchange rate until the formation of the government to mitigate the double effects on both sides of the equation?

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