The most important files negotiated between Baghdad and the region

The most important files negotiated between Baghdad and the region: financial dues, oil, customs and border entry points

Image may contain: one or more people, people sitting, living room and indoorBaghdad / Obelisk: A member of the Kurdistan Regional Government delegation negotiating with the federal government revealed new details about the negotiations and the date of the next visit of the delegation of the region to Baghdad, noting that the delegation of the region is awaiting a response from Baghdad, about the upcoming visit.

The member stated, according to media outlets, that the delegation of the Kurdistan Regional Government is likely to visit Baghdad at the end of this week, most likely, indicating that the delegation will be headed by the Deputy President of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Qubad Talabani.

He pointed out that reaching an agreement between the two sides has become necessary and urgent from both parties to the negotiations, pointing out that the files that are to be discussed are related to the financial dues of the Kurdistan region, oil, non-oil imports, customs and border ports.

He explained that the Baghdad government recognized all the files that the Kurdistan Region delegation presented to it recently, including the oil production file, as the delegation of the Kurdistan Regional Government provided statistics on the produced quantities, which amounted to 467 thousand barrels per day, of which 30 thousand barrels are for domestic consumption, and the rest are exported, as is The numbers were released on other imports.

It is mentioned that the most important pending issues between the two parties include the oil file, border crossings and airports, at a time when the poor economic and financial situation of the Kurdistan Regional Government is pushing Baghdad to raise the ceiling of its demands.

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