“Iraqi rebels” accuse Sadr of treason in exchange for “Iranian promise”

“Iraqi rebels” accuse Sadr of treason in exchange for “Iranian promise”

The Coordinating Committee for the October Demonstrations in Iraq issued a strongly worded statement against the Shiite leader Muqtada al-Sadr, accusing him of “shame and disgrace” and “betraying the rebels”, after the security forces broke up the Basra sit-in as soon as Sadr’s supporters withdrew from it.

The shock forces arrested a number of demonstrators in connection with the breaking up of the Basra sit-in by force … and scenes documenting the storming and burning of tents
. He rode our wave, rode it, and tried to take advantage of us.

The statement added: “Stay in the arenas until achieving the goals of the revolution, and we will not let the blood of the martyrs down and they will not be a card on the political trading table as Sadr did.”

The statement concluded by saying: “What he did was shame and betrayal of the revolutionaries, and its price will be to lead the next government as promised by Iran.”
The dispersal of the Basra sit-in came immediately after the withdrawal of Sadr’s supporters from it, which raised doubts about his complicity or his prior knowledge of the operation, with the aim of conveying a message that his presence is the one that protects the demonstrators.

Sadr’s supporters withdrew after a tweet of their leader on Friday, in which he blamed the Tahrir Square demonstrators who questioned him, considering that he was a support for them, and he said that after this he will not interfere in their affairs, neither in the negative nor in the affirmative.

Al-Sadr’s tweet followed the withdrawal of his supporters, who sit in the squares in Nasiriyah, Diwaniyah, Basra, and Baghdad.


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