Barzani calls for giving the government of Abdul-Mahdi a chance to achieve reforms: (They) do not bear the full guilt

Barzani calls for giving the government of Abdul-Mahdi a chance to achieve reforms: (They) do not bear the full guilt

Baghdad Today – Baghdad: The head of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Masrour Barzani, on Wednesday (November 20, 2019), to give the government of Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, an opportunity to achieve the necessary reforms for the Iraqi people, noting that they do not bear all the guilt alone, because what happens as a result of the accumulations of previous years.

“The Iraqi crisis is not the result of the constitution itself but its failure to implement it. Iraqi politicians are addressing the symptoms of the problem, not its causes,” Barzani said during a meeting on the sidelines of the Middle East Peace and Security Forum at the American University in Dohuk.

He added that “the demands of the demonstrators are legitimate and right and we support them, and the Iraqi government to take their demands seriously and respond to them and secure a better life for them.”

He pointed out that “what is happening in Iraq we expected for years and the current government alone does not bear the guilt for everything that is going on, but should be given a chance to achieve the necessary reforms for the Iraqis,” It imposes itself on the Iraqi political scene. ”

“By virtue of its geopolitical position, if Iraq does not have its own strategy, it will always be subject to international and regional interference,” he said.

And Barzani, that “the problem is not in the Constitution itself, but in the lack of attention and application of its articles selectively, in addition to that all the system and the way the Iraqi administration is not committed to the Constitution and does not respect the demands of the various components and segments.”

“ISIS has not ended. It has lost areas of yes, but it remains as an ideology. There are thousands of supporters in Syria, Iraq and the region.

The head of the Kurdistan Regional Government, he “aspires to create a strong economy for the region, to provide more jobs for citizens, in addition to solving problems with Baghdad and enjoy normal relations with all parties and countries.”

Barzani stressed the “desire of the Kurdistan Regional Government to be a factor of stability and security in the region, through the fight against terrorism with the international community, there is no acceptance of extremism in our society.”

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