Al-Amiri: The eight ministers, including Fayyad, are the candidates of Abdul-Mahdi


Al-Amiri: The eight ministers, including Fayyad, are the candidates of Abdul-Mahdi

Twilight News – The head of the alliance “Al-Fath” Hadi al-Amiri on Saturday that the head of the federal government Adel Abdul-Mahdi is the one who submitted candidates to fill the posts of the eight ministries vacant in his government.

Amiri said in a press conference with Iraqi media on Monday evening that the eight ministers were candidates by Abdul Mahdi.

He pointed out that “Faleh Fayyad is the option of Abdul Mahdi for the post of Minister of the Interior,” denying that the coalition “construction” has nominated or insists on his nomination.

“We reject accusations that Fayyad is being nominated by an outside country or rejected by another foreign country,” Amiri said, adding that “these accusations are unacceptable.”

“Let’s vote on Fayyad in parliament,” he said.


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