
MilitiaMan – Dinar Guru   Article:  “US-Iraq strategic dialogue to take place on April 7”  Quote:  “The relationship between the US and Iraq, including its military presence in the country, is based on a strategic framework agreement signed in 2008. It called for close defense co-operation to deter threats to Iraq’s “sovereignty, security and territorial integrity.”   The talks, due to take place next Wednesday, will focus on security, counterterrorism, economics and energy, political issues, and educational and cultural co-operation.  Gotta love the timing of things…The economics and energy has my attention for obvious reasons… The oil deals we see of late are all about economics, yet, security is a part of that and big time too. The Tripartite with Jordan and Egyptis the following day… Watch and see… This is all for a purpose… I like it! imo…

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