
MilitiaMan – Dinar Guru  Article:  “Parliamentary Finance expects a delay in disbursing salaries and warns against “implicating Iraq” with borrowings”  Clearly they didn’t get that 15 trillion Dinar loan they told us about. They are telling us there will be delays for a few days. Can’t imagine why right? lol   Kahdimi is in Kurd town through tomorrow. He is talking about major issues and from the sounds of it the most important have been hammered out and the minor issues are out to committees for follow up. Take note of the most important ones and then think about the next 2020 Budget at stake. They cannot borrow at a program rate.. But, they can go to the secondary market once they go to the IMF,s Article 8 compliance to 100%. imo…Article supports that there is to be a special meeting on the 2020 Budget early or at the start of next week. Well that is Sunday…They say in the above they may have delays for a few days…fits with the approval expected at the extraordinary meeting to come shortly… I think things are very hopeful. Lets see what happens…Imo…All good.

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