
Pimpy – Dinar Guru  Article:   “Ministerial Roundtable discussions express support for Iraqi government economic reforms” …This article is long but I can tell you this, if they have “white papers” for all these different files, they’re going to be all presented in September of this year…There’s a lot of discussion about, are the rate changes in this “white paper”?  A lot of people seem to be pointing that direction.  I haven’t seen anything that says that the rate change is in the white papers but that doesn’t mean it’s not in the white papers.  I’m looking for something a little bit different.  I’m looking for the international community to once again…recognize the sovereignty of Iraq.  And as you guys know in order to be a sovereign county you have to have your own currency.  Iraq does have its own currency, I get that but they need the restrictions lifted off it so we can see them on the Forex once again

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