
Pimpy – Dinar Guru   Why are people complaining about this?  You’ve invested very little into a currency and they’re willing to give you 50 cents for every one dinar? …this is a suggestion.  They’re saying this is a roadmap and they’re explaining why they want to do this...You will probably never get another type of return like that on any investment ever again.  People say, “Does that make you mad?” No.  I would be happy with that…I would still be very well-to-do.  Sure who doesn’t want more.  Who didn’t want the $3.22 rate. I would love that.  I would have been happy with the $1.13 rate or the $1.34 rate…Let me ask you guys a question…if you knew for sure you were gonna get back 56 cents for every Iraqi dinar and you knew you weren’t gonna get it until next July – Are you pissed off?  Are you mad?  Are you unhappy with that type of return on your money?  I mean seriously, are you?  Because people are complaining about it… [Post 2 of 3]

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