Adam Montana

Adam Montana – Dinar Guru   There are so many things that I want to go over right now I barely know where to start!  …There are changes coming in the tax codes (for multiple countries), there are political situations that are extremely relevant and telling, and so much more is happening all at once right now!  …The “basics” are simple, and that’s all anyone really needs to be able to sit back and wait. Iraq previously held one of the highest valued currencies in the world, and one day they will again. Although their country was knocked into the stone ages through a series of events that are now somewhat ancient history, Iraq still holds a majority of the black gold available on this planet. While the world runs on this stuff, and it will continue to do so, Iraq continues to hold an immensely powerful position. They suffered some extreme setbacks, but they did not lose their oil. This is a no-brainer to me – the value of Iraq’s currency will rise again. [post 1 of 2]

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