Francis Albert

Francis Albert – Dinar Guru   Obviously… Kap is throwing the baby out with the bath water. I don’t believe any sensible person believes the Iraqi Dinar is going to go from .00086 to $3.50 overnight. (This is what most believe an RV will be)…What Kap doesn’t see, is the forest for the trees. It is obvious to anyone paying attention to the news, Iraq is going to take their currency international and take off the program rate instilled by the IMF, U.N…So, a hit from program rate to something like .86 popping on Forex overnight, (my prediction), is very possible and doable…of course it will “float”. All currencies are pegged to the dollar and go up and down as people buy them… Kap is right. Who knows how long it will take for it to go up from the initial hit? I think a few months can get us to an “interesting” number. But, hey, .86 is pretty darn interesting, but I wouldn’t sell at this price. That’s my .86 for today (FWIW).

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