
MilitiaMan – Dinar Guru   …they will have to report at some point the rate for January, as that is a transparency issue for the world at large. A key indicator is that they massively reduced the note count and have populated the banks with new small category notes And fils now from what we here.  What the data to me supports is that the credit transfers ceasing in the end September 2019, the loan modifications happening just a month later real close and the present the lack of some reporting by the CBI now of critical items aforementioned earlier (Nov 30) shows me the CBI has openly shown us that a significant rate change is coming soon!! …In the end the evidence from the CBI supports imo, we are going to see them paid…Report and internationally accepted rate and have it reported by 01/31/2020, in my honest opinion that is 100% now, aside from an act of God … and the CBI does exactly as they have shown they are doing!   [post 2 of 2]

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