Mountain Goat

Mountain Goat – Dinar Guru   …I know for a FACT that the corruption in Iraq has to be curbed in order for the reinstatement to take place. They need a stable government and to ensure the wealth of Iraq stays within Iraq…   I…told everyone that my last talk with the CBI said that they were still moving along with the “project to delete the zeros” in spite of the turmoil with the government. Remember there are two parallel paths moving along. One path is the financial reforms of the CBI and the other is what the government has to do to support it. The path of the government is along the lines of security and stability. So, do you really think Iraq has a stable government right now…This could suddenly change but not yet. I know many of you are expecting me to give some sort of new timeline today but…I can not give a timeline since the prime minister first has to be nominated and then ratified in parliament. Once this is done, I will contact the CBI and see what I can find out. Now you know they will never give me an exact time but they do give me information that leads me to conclude what they might be up to. So, we sit and wait.

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