Mountain Goat

Mountain Goat – Dinar Guru …the main thrust of the demonstrators in Iraq is for the GOI to live up to past promises…to payout on promised HCL (excess oil revenue) payments to the citizens. …This part of the HCL law was voted on and passed, then promised to the people in the summer of 2018, then again in fall. Then one last news article told us in January 2019. But still no payments have been made. Why?   It is because of the corruption in the government. They do not want to open the 2018 budget and now the 2019 budget, as done with other budgets since 2014…they know if they do open the budget it includes many reforms they will be forced to implement and pay for.   It has all been a fraud and a scam run by the corrupt Iranian politicians.  [post 1 of 2]

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