
MilitiaMan – Dinar Guru Article:  “Reveal the visit of a high Kurdish delegation to resolve the 2020 budget”   Quote: “a high-level Kurdish delegation will arrive in the next few days to Baghdad to resolve the 2020 budget file.” The theme we are seeing is noted, as in “days not weeks”  They are clearly taking action now. The sh#@ storm they went through this last week or so has the “fire under the camel now”. Anyone seen now without the good of the citizens, will not go over well.  The trend has reforms front and center, as they know they have time lines for real issues that need(ed) to be addressed…Keep in mind the citizens know that they have been told about NSCNs and Coins, Fils, etc. That would be something that would not go on deaf ears.. Everyone wants purchase power that comes with the new small category notes, coins and fils.  The descriptions of the real deal need to be shown, once they show them? imo.

Some very interesting observations here…

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