Mountain Goat

Mountain Goat – Dinar Guru   …I am reassuring everyone now that the step following this one is to reinstate the IQD and NOT to move the program rate to the exchanges such as FOREX but rather to re-peg the IQD to an SDR basket. This and only this, is what is going to force the rate to change from the program rate they have today…If all goes according to their target dates this could occur any day now. We are already in mid-September. But remember this is not the reinstatement and we can not yet go to the bank to exchange. This is solely going to happen inside Iraq…They are also not going to post anything in the Gazette when the reinstatement happens. It will appear in the news channels as this is the place for this kind of news. The Official Iraqi Gazatte is NOT a news source.  [post 2 of 2]

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