
Enorrste – Dinar Guru   Question: …do you think this float may cause a meteoric rise in the value…it’s going to skyrocket in value quickly…?The CBI has very cautiously moved step-by-step to get every single thing they can think of in place.  When they pull that trigger they are going to have controls just like they’ve put controls for the last three or four years.  They are going to have controls that will allow them to control the rise of the float.  What they don’t want is meteoric.  It will be too scary for them.  They have to control it…I do think it’s going to go quickly.  I think within 3 years we’ll see $3.00.  That’s my own personal opinion…but I do think they’re not stupid and if it starts to be crazy they are to put a ratchet in there…

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