Adam Montana

Adam Montana – Dinar Guru   It seems we are in an interesting situation right now. I’ve been watching the news shift directions slightly…not in an opposing way, just a shift.  In the past, we’ve had some key things happen around mid-year. Major items, like Chapter 7, for example.  The “shift” in the news that I’m seeing is – and I say this with a little bit of reservation, because I’m not substituting my intuition for an actual crystal ball – it is encouraging, in a way that may be signaling another big announcement in the middle of the year.  I’m expecting a revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar to be preceded by a bit of silence…and we do have that right now. Don’t get me wrong, we have a lot of encouraging articles to read right now, but the subtle shift in tone…It’s hard to explain…  [post 1 of 2]

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