Adam Montana

Adam Montana – Dinar Guru   …one quick clarification – earlier this week I said PM Abadi was in Saudi Arabia on business. Obviously this was a mistake, as the current Prime Minister of Iraq is no longer Abadi. Nonetheless! The actual PM of Iraq, Abdul Mahdi, was indeed in Saudi Arabia – and the resulting news is a bit of a present, if you ask me As I was getting ready to post this, a perfect article was posted. The focus is heavily on Iraq, the benefits to Iraq, and not much else.  In what world is that a deal we expect to see from the Saudis… are they suddenly charitable people operating for the sole purpose of World Peace and charity?  I don’t think so. Therefore, the equalization simply isn’t being mentioned.  Article:  “Historical agreements between Iraq and Saudi Arabia” …Saudi Arabia is important to Iraq. …Iraq has 3 major countries that border it, and only one actual connection to water. Aside from that small bit of beach…Iraq is landlocked.  [post 1 of 2]

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