Mountain Goat

Mountain Goat – Dinar Guru  Article:  “INTEGRITY COMMISSION ON TUESDAY, IT WAS ABLE TO CONTROL CASES OF MANIPULATION IN THE SALE OF CURRENCY”   Quote:  “THE CHANGE WILL BE MADE BY RAISING THE EXCHANGE RATE OF THE IRAQI DINAR AGAINST FOREIGN CURRENCIES”.   What did they just tell us…?  They are going ahead with the currency reform.  Also I want to point out we keep getting article after article on how Iraq needs investors to come into Iraq, yet they can’t without a FREE FLOW of capital and you can’t have a FREE FLOW OF CAPITAL using the currency auctions. This would be disastrous for Iraq.   So they need to go international and they need to raise the value in the process or it will not work. It is all interconnected and it is time to get it done- not later but NOW!

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