Mountain Goat

Mountain Goat – Dinar Guru   [GOI has nothing to do with raising the rate…it is a total CBI decision.]  Oh yes they do…I presented about 6 articles already from the Iraqi news media from members of the parliament, cabinet and economists in IraqAll say it is a joint decision to go ahead with the project to delete the zeros. It just happens right now they are moving ahead rapidly on it.  …Dr Shabibi…said and I quote- “there must be a joint effort to make the decision and the CBI and GOI must work together” – but out of courtesy and not by legal commitment. This means the GOI may influence the decisions and has to pass laws to help the CBI with monetary policy. But the CBI make the final call, The CBI does not run the govt the GOI does. The CBI needs these banking reforms, anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist laws, etc…So in this regard Shabibi knew darn well they must work together…  [post 1 of 2]

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