
MilitiaMan – Dinar Guru   Internationalism…Can’t hide it now… The Cat is out of the bag… Even the Governors of the Provinces and the Religious Authority is calling for distribution of the Iraqi wealth and now we see Citi Bank able to do similar distribution of timely payments through a chunky credit facility. These latest actions from the Governors meeting this last week on 2019 Budget allocations to be disbursed for re construction projects and Qasim al-Tai religious authority telling PM Mahdi to distribute the wealth to the citizens in a fair and equitable manner all around the same time frame of the passing of key laws this week.  My bet on this is the Citizens are squawking even louder now that the Tariffs are being enforced.  They signed this credit facility on Thursday of last week!!! Same day the Governors were meeting on disbursements to the provinces. See the the progress in play now? I sure do.. Man it looks good too! imo.

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