Mountain Goat

Mnt Goat – Dinar Guru   We all are aware that the dinar, as it stands today, is worth much more than the program rate now assigned by the CBI. But this higher rate must be realized by supply and demand for the currency. Just be reducing the amount of dinar in circulation down from about 150 trillion to 44 trillion dinars alone is showing us the CBI is serious about this plan.  It is only when the dinar is re-pegged to the SDR basket and then gets reinstated to the open market trading platforms once again, as it was in pre-war days, that the dinar can potentially go to a much more substantial rate. Many call this the “revaluation” or RV but technically an RV never really happens. It is a “reinstatement” that occurs that eventually gives the dinar back it former rate (glory days) plus more.

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