Washington praises Barzani's renunciation of power and calls Erbil for dialogue with Baghdad

Date of release: 2017/10/30 18:34 • 167 times read

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The United States praised on Monday the decision of the Kurdistan Region President, outgoing, Massoud Barzani, not to extend his presidency of the region, calling Baghdad and Erbil to work quickly to resolve outstanding issues under the Iraqi constitution.

"The US State Department said in a statement today that" Washington praises the decision of Massoud Barzani not to extend his term of office for the region, as well as the vote of the Kurdistan Parliament on the distribution of powers Barzani, the institutions of the region. "

Washington called on the Iraqi government and the Kurdistan Regional Government to "work quickly to resolve outstanding issues under the Iraqi constitution," adding that it calls on all Kurdish parties to support the Kurdistan Regional Government, which is working to resolve outstanding issues on the remainder of its mandate and prepare for the elections in 2018.

"Barzani is a historic figure and a courageous leader of his people," the foreign ministry said in a statement. "It looks forward to working with Barzani and Barzani."

The Parliament of Kurdistan ratified in its session on Sunday the law on the distribution of the powers of the presidency of the region, where the vote was passed on the approval of the law of the distribution of powers of the President of the Territory by a majority of 70 out of 93 present, after approval of the request of the President of the region, Massoud Barzani, not to extend his term of office.
