What are the obstacles that impede the progress of troops towards the old city of Mosul??

[Where – Baghdad] revealed the media rapid reaction Lt. Col. Abdul Amir al – Muhammadawi forces director, on Saturday, about the obstacles facing the troops in their advance towards the old city of Mosul, indicating that progress is underway towards the great Nouri Mosque, continuing forces in the dismantling of booby – trapped houses and rescue operation families .

Said Muhammadawi in a press statement, I followed by all of Iraq [where] the ‘forces are still continuing progress towards the old city after the liberation of the rod dairy area and playground local administration’, noting that ‘ the obstacles facing the forces in progress is the presence of civilians and their use by Daesh as human shields , as well as the alleys of the old city and narrow and the difficulty of moving them, and booby – trapped streets. ‘ He added that the ‘entry of the old city from several directions , but the primary goal securing exit families in peace.’

Mohammadi noted that the ‘forces managed to dismantle several residential buildings and booby – trapped cars parked Daesh on the side of the road, and managed to save 8 families were present in one house on the edge of the old Mosul, this was the house booby – trapped and surrounded by improvised explosive devices in the event of the exit of any person from the family is blown up by Daesh, it was dismantled the house and save the families’.

Mohammadi said, that the ‘old city does not help to use heavy weapons and mechanisms, and progress is only on foot’, hinting that the ‘dead Daesh toll of yesterday stood at 18 dead, and today since the early morning we killed 12 element’.

The cell media war announced today , ” the security forces will be new tactics in the coming operations in the axis of south – west of Mosul to break into the Mosque of Al – Nouri,” adding that it “made progress in the Yarmouk neighborhood and trying to ring on the provisions of the old city.”
