To confirm the necessity of the tributaries to recover loans and advances for the continuation of the banking business


Economy News. Continue.......

Rafidain Bank said on Wednesday that the loans and advances that are granted to employees and citizens due to the recovery of the bank continue to work to ensure the banking.

The Information Office of the Bank in that "the bank is investing the money that is deposited by the citizens to meet attractive benefits obtained by the customer."

The statement added that "the bank money back to the beneficiaries of the citizens and is due to them off with benefits."

He pointed out that "loans and advances that are granted to employees and citizens due recovery to ensure continue to operate banking and finance and stimulate sectors of the economy and continue to create deposits and move the wheel of development if they are used for productive purposes or for the purposes of reconstruction and not just consumption and increased demand for consumer goods and the random import of consumer goods and it calls upon the bank Bzbainh thinking about the interests of the strategy for their country, and not only vessels of their person. "
