Cabinet meets today to complete the files, and vote on resolutions
History of edits:: 02.02.2017
[Where - special]
said the Office of the Prime Minister, Haider al - Abadi, said the Cabinet meeting on Thursday is an additional files to complete the discussion last Tuesday and is not an emergency.
A spokesman for the office , Saad al - Hadithi told all of Iraq [where] that " the Council of Ministers held today additional meeting to complete the agenda at its previous Tuesday adding that" the acts of the last meeting schedule was very busy in a lot of paragraphs and the fact that not enough time to discuss all session files ".
he added that" today 's meeting extra to complete the files that have not had the opportunity to discuss and make decisions on them during the previous meeting. "
the cabinet held its first yesterday its regular and pointed out that it will hold an extra session to complete the vote on a number of other decisions