Parliament postpones vote on the government banking law and the law of private security companies and Jubouri announce interrogations

3 hours ago

Twilight News / parliamentary source said on Tuesday to postpone the parliament vote on the bills listed on the agenda, while the set of the Presidency of the Council scheduling oral questions from members of parliament and ministers in the current government and heads of independent bodies, it announced the interrogations of two ministers dates and head of the Commission.

Includes found works of today's meeting, vote on the draft government Banking Act, and vote on the draft Private Security Companies Act, and vote on a resolution as the Nineveh Plain disaster area, and the question verbal notification MP (Serwa Abdul Wahid) to the head of the Independent Electoral Commission, and report and discuss project professionalism Sports Law, and discuss the draft report and the Ministry of Defence Act.

The source told Twilight News, that the House of Representatives to vote on the draft law of the government banks at the request of the relevant committees, and also in order to vote on the draft law of private security companies.

And it identified the presidency of the parliament directed the oral questions to ministers and chairpersons dates, are as follows:

Serwa Abdul Wahid - the President of the Commission 1/24

Hanan al - Governor of the Central Bank of 2/28

Hanan al - board of integrity - 1/30

Hanan al - Baghdad Municipality / 2/7

Mohammad Tamim - the Ministry of Oil / 2/9

Mohammad Reza Amin / Prime Minister's Office 2/11

Hanan al / Minister of Water Resources - 2/21

Hisham Radi Jabbar / to the Minister of Immigration - 2/13

I hope Merhi / President of the Sunni Endowment - 2/23

Mohammed al-Tai / board of Media and Communications - 2/27

Hanan al / transport minister - 2/25

Hanan al / Director-Central Oil Company 3/7

To announce that House Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, during the meeting that there are many interrogations that have completed their terms and dates of attendance respondents identified which include:

1_ questioning MP Awad al-Awadi and questioned and the Minister of Health.

2_ questioning MP Hanan al interrogator and head of media and communications.

3_ questioning Attorney Zainab al-Tai and questioned and the Minister of Agriculture.
