Chuan Taha al-Maliki ignores Article 140 of the Constitution

1:07 p.m.
Baghdad - Integrity E - Ahmed Haidari
said the Kurdistan Alliance, on Friday, to ignore the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki during his visit, the last of the province of Kirkuk thing as Article 140 of the Constitution. A member of the Alliance Chuan Taha's newspaper "integrity of electronic" said Maliki's visit to Kirkuk her two first that Maliki's visit to the provinces a matter of course in his capacity as prime minister but ignore Article 140, which will determine the fate of Kirkuk's population The second aspect is not granted sufficient powers to provincial Iraqi people are not looking for gestures, but looking for solutions to seriously address the crisis. and Taha that Kirkuk has particularly important because it is a disputed area and Maliki's visit is a provocation to the Kurds, because we always call for the implementation of Article 140 in order to end the conflict happening in the province.