The International Alliance announces the arrival of a force of US Marines to Iraq

17:57:00 | (Voice of Iraq) - Baghdad

The International Alliance, Sunday, the arrival of the unit 26 troops in the US Marines to Iraq, as he emphasized that the arrival of those troops have been in consultation with the Iraqi government.

He said the international coalition in a statement that "unity forces in the 26 US Marines arrived in Iraq , " noting that " the Joint Task Force - steel determination process has allocated a range of unit 26 to support the field operations of the Iraqi security forces and coalition forces."

"The scope of work of this group of infantry soldiers and sailors currently in Iraq is to defeat al Daash , " explaining that " the unit 26 in the US Marines will secure security in the scope of the Fifth Fleet , the US Navy , which includes the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea and part from the Indian Ocean. "

He revealed the US military, on Sunday (20 March 2016), the existence of a force of US Marines in Iraq to support the efforts of the international coalition against al "Daash", and among the group of Marines will strengthen that force to fight the regulation.

A spokesman for the international coalition Steve Warren announced, in (21 December 2015), the arrival of special forces to Iraq to implement several important secret, and noted that those tasks will be carried out in coordination with Baghdad.

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