Economist: Turkey cut off water to Tigris & Euphrates will lead to collapse of Iraqi economy

By Mustafa Curran 7 hours ago 12-10-15

Roudao - Erbil

It academic and economist, Reidar Mohammed, that the differences between Iraq and Turkey could lead to Ankara feet of water on the Tigris and Euphrates rivers cut.

Said Mohammed, the network Roudao media "Iraq depends on Turkey in economic terms a lot, especially with regard to water, because the Tigris and Euphrates rivers flow from Turkey and then hold in Iraqi territory, and in the case of an escalation of the differences between the two countries, Turkey has progressed over the waters of the two rivers cut, and this will lead inevitably lead to the collapse of the Iraqi economy. "

He said Reidar that "Turkey will not be damaged because of these tensions, but that is only affected Iraq. Most investors who are in Iraq from Turkey, so I think he must resolve differences between the two countries in line."

And it called on the parliamentary blocs and Iraqi political circles for a boycott of Turkish products in the wake of the presence of Turkish troops near the city of Mosul.
