Karbala Council: corruption is rampant in the province

Admitted members of the provincial council in Karbala on Monday, the failure of local government to achieve the demands of the demonstrators, and stressed the "rampant" financial and administrative corruption in the governorate, and in government agencies charged with preventing open the files of corruption, pointed out that the question the governor Aqil Turaihi is currently possible. She said a member of the Karbala Provincial Council Bushra Hassan Ashour said that "the local government has not been able to reach the level of achievement of the demands of the demonstrators coming out every week in the province," indicating that "there is a weakness in government performance and services and the spread of financial and administrative corruption in various fields and many files in the province." Ashour added, "The treatment of claims and the files submitted to the provincial council and the Integrity Commission has not been introduced and activated", accusing the government agencies "to push to leave these files and not taking them."

And Izzat Ashour, the imbalance in government performance to "lack of funds and lack of allocations and sometimes lack of real will on the part of local government to provide services at other times, making the crowd on one side and the government on the other side," pointing out that "financial and administrative corruption files in the province are ready and clear But there is no real will to detect and follow-up. "

And carried Ashour, the provincial council, management and the Integrity Commission and the elimination of "the responsibility of it," calling for "the continuation of public pressure on the local and central governments", describing public pressure to "source of horror for all parties."

For his part, he said Karbala Provincial Council member Mohammed Talqani "The reopening of the interrogation of Karbala governor Akil Turaihi, demanded by the protesters file, needs the support of a sufficient number of members of the provincial council and this is not available at this time, was not available in the coming period."

He added Talqani, that "the provincial council discussed during the last term the number of combat financial and administrative corruption files, and made decisions on them, especially the quarries of construction materials and some of the projects file," noting that "the files of corruption and previous issues need to be larger packages by the provincial council."
He revealed Talqani, for "efforts to form a gathering of a majority of the members of the Council to adopt the activation of Karbala and the resolution of files late and issues", stressing that "it will be announced soon."
