Integrity Announces Investigation of more than 13 000 cases of corruption and reveal the names of convicted fugitives, including ministers [expanded]

announced the Integrity Commission, on Thursday, for the realization of more than 13 000 registered issue only since the beginning of this year 2015, "revealing" the names of the escapees convicted on charges of corruption, including ministers. "
The head of the agency Hassan al-Yasiri in Conference Special Commission to declare the annual half of the report in 2015 that "corruption has become a phenomenon overshadow walks of life, although the fight against corruption is the responsibility of regulatory agencies, mainly, however, that the machines would not be able to own the advancement of this responsibility, requiring the cooperation of all and that the state institutions all the initiative to bridge the corruption outlets on their own divisions and precautions cut to root out corruption.
"He added that the" values And religious system, owned by the Iraqi society and inheritance historical and cultural inherent in it can be a powerful incentive to adhere to honesty and integrity and rejection of corruption "and called Yasiri" everyone to support the Integrity Commission and regulators in their efforts to reform and the fight against corruption and Asaah culture of integrity, honesty and career ethical conduct of the need to maintain the funds the State Assembly, which is the people's money, a Municipality may not be compromised or cheating and that the corrupt is a traitor to the nation and the people, and should stand everyone's face and discarded starting from the community and through state institutions all.
"He pointed out that" the Integrity Commission seeks strongly to the success of the government paper reform of the fight against corruption in the multiple As we have stated previously Akhtoot red in our work only red and our line is the homeland and the people's money, which is not permitted for anyone to surpass interest " .
He said the President of the Commission on Public Integrity that "Pursuant to the principle of transparency in the work of the Integrity Commission and be the citizen and the media are aware of the activities of the body we are between two and another of the Lead Authority activities in numbers and statistics as we did the previous our Conference on April 4, 2015 away from defamation and clowning."
He added, "We have authored field teams working within the ministries and gone from office work to the field we have started as a gesture of the work of the first ministries of electricity, trade and the Municipality of Baghdad and Snalv other field teams in the rest of the ministries, according to Alaolulyat, and we wrote a higher committee to consider the inflation money officials and activating the principle [Where did you get this ], and that abstaining from disclosed their financial interests are not immune to the body that Sttabahm.
"Among Yasiri that" the Commission has worked on the investigation of 13 398 thousand news and criminal case since the beginning of 2015 and this alarming number compared to other countries of the world, Issues news is arising from news via e-mail or contact Palmobail and scraps of paper and achieve them and after confirmation of the validity and sincerity of this news and it is not Kedia and the evidence of rising open an investigation on it and be a news issue and to complete the investigation on it is transferred to the competent court and turns of the news case to the criminal case.
"He explained," it was resolved 6 Thousands of 674 cases and issues news retained any existing previous years have not been resolved and the number 2005 and the resolution of which 826 issue, either new news issues in this year 1341 issue to resolve than 620, the total number of cases news retained newly registered 3346 cases and issues being followed up by the Commission on Public Integrity limit this moment either that the investigation ended in respect thereof from the body and turned to the courts numbered 1900 issue of reaching 1046 issue.
"He said," There are issues that have been referred to other destinations investigative such as police stations and other which is Atakhts work of the Commission numbered 31 issue, either done from 1446 news issues the issue and this a large number of penal and issues that have been investigated in the body and turned to the courts, the number of retained from previous years were 4793 issue unresolved, including 2248 issue by 47% is a good percentage.
"He continued," The newly registered in 2015 criminal cases numbered 5000 and 259 cases and this number alarming also being registered within a few months and these figures by all standards is significant digits, either deducted from the new criminal cases is the 2980 issue by resolving 57% and this is a good and an excellent ratio. "Among Yasiri that" the total number of cases penal amounted to 10 052 issue and the cases under investigation in the investigation Court reached 4824 issue, which referred the competent misdemeanors courts and criminal reached 2402 issue, which has Bglgaha eliminate the lack of conviction by numbered 2291 issue and deported with other issues totaled 535 issue for a total of 10052 criminal cases the issue was completed, including 5228 issue and 52% is a good percentage. "and accused Referred to eliminate pointed Chairman of the Integrity Commission that the mention of" the number of defendants referred to misdemeanors and felonies Court reached in 2171, accusing them 13 ministers and those who are Badrjtah and by 39 a decision to refer any that accused him more than one case and 80 of the owners special grades and general managers and their grade and by 134 resolution assignment during the past months. "He noted that the" convictions and release the numbered for the period from 01/01/2015 till August 13 this amounted to 1 003 provisions and released them convictions number 503 provisions and convicted 588 defendants including four ministers or their grade since it has been sentenced to four convictions and 24, accusing the owners of special grades and Madriren Amyin and their grade was issued against them 29 a guilty verdict. " and arrest warrants were between Yasiri "The number of orders judicial arrest issued has reached based on the investigations of the Panel in 2128 is carried out, including 462 thing with not implemented from the executive bodies concerned in 1395 ordered This is a dilemma for the business beyond the Integrity Commission Awalqdhae and the remainder of which was canceled, or have been referred to the courts to achieve the other.