How to calculate? Not understanding
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Thread: How to calculate? Not understanding

  1. #1

    How to calculate? Not understanding

    If I have 350,000 dinar and they drop the zeros, then RV at say $3.22 usd, how much could I possibly make? I'm not understanding how to calculate if zeros are dropped.

  2. #2

    Re: How to calculate? Not understanding

    This is all a matter of opinion... but most of us assume that an RV and a "dropping of the zeroes" are the same thing. If that's the case, then you would multiply 350,000 by $3.22 and get $1,127,000 (That's BEFORE TAXES!)

    Others think that dropping the zeroes means removing the zeroes from the rate, so the current rate of 1 dinar = $.00086 would become $.86 - If that is correct then you would multiply 350,000 by $.86 and get $301,000 before taxes.

    It might very well be that neither of these examples are what will actually happen. Someone else feel free to give your opinion...

  3. #3

    Re: How to calculate? Not understanding

    So if they remove the 3 zeros from dinar, example 25,000 becomes 25, and the 25 dinar I have read is to be equal to 75 dinar, then how do you calculate?

  4. #4

    Re: How to calculate? Not understanding

    As TNvolunteer suggested, there are A NUMBER of opinions. For that matter, there are at least three opinions as to what was REALLY meant by the message that you referenced.

    While each of us would LOVE to know "how to figure it out"; unfortunately, no one that is involved at this level knows the answer. Many can offer support for their educated guesses -- but that is it.

    With the above in mind, I will offer up this as the potential range: $0.0033333/dinar - $4.00/dinar. There are those who can defend many points along that range. All you can do is sit back, relax, and enjoy the story as it unfolds.

    I will add this: that even at $0.003333/dinar, you stilll tripple your investment (varies with your purchase price). Said differently, you paid roughly $350.00 for your investment, the low end of my suggestion would yield you a return of about $1,150. The upper range is the million+ that TNVolunteer provided. 300% return is great - the upper range is mind-numbing.

    Good Luck.
    Last edited by ghost; 08-19-2015 at 08:12 PM.

  5. #5

    Re: How to calculate? Not understanding

    Thank you both for your help, ghost and TNvolunteer

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