Adam Montana

Adam Montana – Dinar Guru    Then the country began to rebuild, …and eventually the world recognized their progress with the official lifting of Chapter 7 sanctions. More progress has been made, hurdles have been cleared, and Iraq is nowhere near what it was in 2003.  All along the path of this rebuilding, we’ve been watching and waiting for a major change. Not that the change from 4000:1 to the current 1190:1 isn’t a “major change”…but it’s not the “major” change they are capable of. It’s not “the” change we are waiting for.  It’s not the change that we know is coming.  As we look back on the last decade plus, with the benefit of hindsight, it’s easy to see how and why they haven’t RV’d yet. It’s quite simple, really:  [post 2 of 4]

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