Dinar Investor – Jeff

Dinar Investor – Jeff   IMO…when you’re setting the stage for a big event you can’t have that big event until the stage is set…that’s really all what you are waiting on is for them to set the…stage & then it’s game over.  So, going back to 2014 the CBI made it very clear that until Iraq achieved political stability they would not change the rate or delete the zeroes…  Now let’s fast forward to 2019…at the beginning of  ’19 they did not start working on the formation of the government, they went straight into setting the stage.  At the beginning of  ’19 they told us that in the budget they would have monies for HCL, Article 140, all of that…  What they are telling us…is that the 2019 budget has post RI monies and that they anticipate or plan on changing the rate within the year 2019.   [post 1 of 3]

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