
Breitling – Dinar Guru  They [Iraq] don’t have to revalue in one big pop or shot They can revalue little by little.  I’m not talking about a tenth of a penny.  I’m talking about adding 10, 15, 20 cents a pop.  Why they haven’t done it yet I don’t know.  I simply do not have an answer for that.  Because if I was them that’s exactly what I would be doing.  I understand they have to protect themselves and not make it too expensive overnight to invest in Iraq…90% of their export is oil.  That’s their economy.  And the price of oil is going down so they are not making as much money.  $56 a barrel is their break even point.  I think it’s $54 to $56.  They don’t just have to revalue for their sake.  They have to send signals out to the international markets saying “we’re out to play.”  If they are going to keep their currency low people are not going to send product to Iraq to be able to trade.  It kind of binds them up.  They need to start doing something. 

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