
Breitling – Dinar Guru  …We’re looking at a currency [Iraqi Dinar].  We know what it used to be worth…the highest it was worth was $3.25.  Saddam Hussein through his manipulated currencies said it was worth $3.75 but we know that’s not true.  We had the first gulf war and it took a huge hit.  So we know what the value went to at that stage.  The second gulf war we knew it was going to drop to compete nothing so we injected the Iraqi economy with $1.5 billion worth of U.S currency so when we did the shock and awe they had money to spend…later on down the road they printed the currency that you and I have and they actually had to put $1.5 billion more U.S. dollars more into the economy because the popularity of the currency [Iraqi dinar] started going up.  So what were they trying to do Control the pace of the economy of Iraq.  They actually had to do this a couple of times…[ post 1 of 2]

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