CBI: 4 thousand five hundred dollars per capita income for 2011
30/10/2011 07:50

Baghdad, October 30 / October (Rn) - The Central Bank of Iraq, Sunday, that the average per capita income of 4 Iraqi thousand five hundred dollars a year during the current year.

The deputy governor of Central Bank of Iraq the appearance of Mohammed Saleh told the Kurdish news agency (Rn) that "the average per capita income rose from the Iraqi 4 thousand to 4 thousand dollars and five hundred dollars in 2011."

"The Iraqi Central Bank plans to raise the per capita income in the Iraqi budget in 2012 to 5 thousand dollars a year, the economic level."

He said "a slice of staff the most economically well-being, reaching the level of per capita economic income to 6 thousand dollars a year."
Defines economic development as the mechanism includes a high growth rate of real per capita income over an extended period of time on a regular basis and is important in increasing the real income and thus improve the lives of citizens and the provision of goods and reduce economic disparities between the social circles in addition to providing jobs for people in the community and provide food security.

The UN reports indicated that more than seven million Iraqis are living below the poverty line in the country despite the increase in the size of Iraq's oil exports to 2.5 million barrels per day
