Parliamentary Finance welcomes five years on holiday, and stresses: will ease the burden on the budget

Welcomed the financial Alganhalgnapeh, on Friday, the Iraqi government 's decision to grant the employee leave for a period of five years and a salary of my name, noting that the decision will help ease the burden on the public budget.
Said committee member Magda Abdel - Latif, the "Declaration of Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi to discuss the Cabinet decision to grant the employee vacation optional for five years and a salary My name is a positive decision , " indicating that " the government had previously sent a draft resolution to the Council of State in mid-March on the granting of employee vacation at half the nominal salary. "
Tamimi added that " a positive decision for the employee and the government which will help ease the burden on the next operating budget , " adding that " the license will be optional rather than mandatory , and I think a lot of employees will benefit from this decision."