Barzani: Convention Erbil is not a problem .. But the parties
On: Wed, 10/19/2011 6:48

Erbil range emphasized Kurdish regional President Massoud Barzani, the country's current problems are not related to the Convention on Erbil, but the political forces and parties that attended the meeting of Erbil, and they had to carry out those paragraphs of the Convention, particularly relatingto real partnership.

Turning Barzani in a meeting with the leaders and representatives of political parties of Kurdistan in Erbil yesterday, to the current political situation in Iraq and the Kurdistan region, adding detail to the relations between Arbil and Baghdad, and federal and agreement Erbil, declaring that his initiative to form the federal government had succeeded, and that current problems are not related that initiative, but linked forces and political parties that attended the meeting of Erbil, and they had to carry out those paragraphs of the Convention, particularly those related to real partnership. As Barzani emphasized the need to implement the paragraphs of that Convention concerning the partnership and commitment to the Constitution and the Peshmerga and the oil and gas law and federalism, referring to the recent problems between the province and Baghdad, highlighting the visit of a delegation of Baghdad to Erbil, and the delegation's political territory, who flew to Baghdad and the results of his visit and his meeting with the forces and Iraqi political parties .
On the other hand, received Barzani in Salah al-Din and a delegation from the response of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. He touched the head of delegation Ibrahim Asanovij During the meeting, the goal of their visit Kurdistan region, stressing that this region is the security Kurds all, so it came to learn about the situation, adding that the visit aims to give an overview about the life of the general population in those areas, calling on the provincial government to open an office in Kazakhstan, and expressed the readiness of the Kurds specialists to provide all kinds of services for the region. For his part, president of the region welcomed the visit of the delegation, stressing that the province is the country of all Kurds, and must be on the response of those States interest in protecting the identity and culture and mother tongue, expressed the readiness of the Government of the Territory to provide the cooperation of the students of the Kurds and send the body to study the mechanism of this cooperation, and the opening of representative office of the Kurdistan region there.