Arrest of an aide to Al-Baghdadi, West of Anbar

2016/06/13 14:40


Anbar operations command said Monday that a joint security force arrested an aide to leader (ISIS) Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi during a security operation carried out by the Northern wetlands, Western Anbar, gray city status, (110 kilometers) West of Baghdad.

He said in an interview with the source (range), the joint security force carried, this afternoon, a military operation targeted the gatherings to organize (ISIS) in the vower area (20 km north of AR Rutba, Western Anbar), resulting in the arrest of the Prince of the vower organization called Teodora behind dahi aka (Abu suraaqah) ", stating that" the detainee also serves as an Assistant to leader (ISIS) Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi. "

The source said on condition of anonymity, said security forces arrested in possession of quantities of seized weapons and explosive belts and secret documents encrypted to organization leaders in Anbar cells orders and false passports, "Noting that" Stockade (Abu suraaqah) was preparing to flee to Syria.

Joint operations command was announced at the (19 of may 2016), editing the Rutba, Western Gray (110 kilometers) West of Baghdad, and the Iraqi flag above his buildings, while incurring Organization (Saba) "significant losses," County Police revealed the efforts of security forces to secure the post to the port reopened.

The Premier said Haidar Abadi, (23 May 2016), launch military operations to free Fallujah (62 miles) West of Baghdad, to organize (ISIS) has no choice but to flee from the battle, with Anbar Council announced that joint security forces launched a label (break) on the Edit battle Fallujah.

Most of the cities of Anbar province was controlled by the Organization (Saba) with security forces began battles a wide clearing through the gray city recaptured after fierce fighting with other areas in the vicinity of Fallujah killing hundreds of elements (ISIS).
