Rafidain Bank refuses bargains to stroll offense loans

Rafidain Bank, said on Sunday that discredit the bank and defamed by some weak souls campaigns came because the bank refused to walk on the bargains bank loans in violation of legal regulations.
According to General Manager of the bank on behalf Kamal al-Hassani said in a statement received / balances News / copy of it, "The bank put away from bargaining and pressure from some quarters, including the bank refused to grant a loan to a company there are suspicions of corruption in and lack of seriousness of the project, which the process of policy It filed by to get a loan. "
He added, "All Maithar of suspicions of corruption job bank are lawsuits frivolous," saying that "the bank has seen remarkable progress in his work and has made important achievements and maintained public money and this is what some people do not want from those who are still and practicing the style of miscarriage and distortion to weaken this important institution."
