Classic Video of Ben Carson Calling Out The Media's Hypocrisy...
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Thread: Classic Video of Ben Carson Calling Out The Media's Hypocrisy...

  1. #1

    Classic Video of Ben Carson Calling Out The Media's Hypocrisy...

    Hello Folks...

    I loved the way Ben Carson, presidential candidate dealt with the media on this subject matter... Maybe God is using this man to help bring at least a temporary semblance of leadership back to America...

    But I would like to go back to scripture, and remind us all of what transpired within the Southern Kingdom of Israel, or the Kingdom of Judah, when God would allow for a good king, (a person that God would lead by the power of HIS HOLY SPIRIT) to come to power, and lead that nation... While that king was in power, the nation flourished due to the fact that individual king would seek the will of God while leading his kingdom...

    But all physical kings die, and once a good king would perish, another would emerge that would lead the nation down a road that would eventually lead to the Kingdom of Judah being punished, and in time being uprooted from the land of Israel by the Babylonian Empire, and its leader King Nebuchadnezzar... God used this king to punish the people of the Southern kingdom of Judah for their apostate ways of course...

    For as history has shown consistently, humanity has a much easier time practicing sin than the Way of God Almighty... Which is why we have suffered for the most part throughout our existence on God's earth...

    So with that being said, while Ben Carson could very well be a proverbial finger in the dike to keep the dam from breaking wide open, we must remember that there are a great many sins that have gone on within our nation alone that have not been repented of... One thing that is quite clear scripturally speaking is that while God does indeed hold back HIS wrath from a nation that has allowed for hedonism to be practiced under the guise of liberty, God does not forget sins that are not repented of... In HIS mercy, HE does reach out to nations in order for them to come to see the error in their ways... But if the trend of lawlessness continues, well our Creator will indeed bring down the nation that does allow for sin to continue to be practiced...

    It is up to us as believers to see the signs of the times we live in, and take the opportunities that God grants us to prepare for difficult times we could very well face at a future time... I am of course referring to our Spiritual lives in Messiah, and the need to grow in HIM whether it be during good times, or bad...

    Being steadfast in our faith as it concerns our Savior, and God grants us a strength that this physical life could never give... That is inner peace, and a good courage that will sustain those who place their trust in the Spirit of the Living God through any form of adversity that HE allows for this fallen world to endure... Making sure we do not confuse being blessed from a physical standpoint, to God's ultimate view of the world's spiritual state, so as to not be caught off guard, and ill prepared for when trials do occur... Remembering that God brings rain upon the just, and the unjust... Recognizing HIS mercy, and yet also realizing God's judgment can come at any time of HIS choosing...

    Here is the link to that video... God bless, and take care..

    Last edited by popeye7; 11-07-2015 at 07:10 PM.

  2. #2

    Re: Classic Video of Ben Carson Calling Out The Media's Hypocrisy...

    This is not an endorsement of voting for Ben Carson... Just an observation about him, and how sincere this man seems to be... But I do not know him personally, but will say this... Jeremiah chapter 17 verse 9 declares that we are not to place our full trust in man... Those who believe in Messiah place their hope in HIS return to resolve the ills that have plagued mankind due to sinful behavior... And for the elect sake HE will as Matthew chapter 24 verse 22 points out... Blessed Be HIS MOST HOLY NAME...


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