Ebadi, an adviser to: the doors budgets exchange containing corrupt and are addressed

Detect the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, an economic advisor to Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi about the existence of the doors of exchange in the financial budgets of the state contain corruption. He said Saleh told all of Iraq [where] "There are areas of corruption under the doors of exchange in government budgets and addressed aggressively without retreat and we're going to end it as it provides many billion of the budget."

"As regards the budget of 2016, we had a choice in these conditions with low oil prices, which form the basis of the budget and the landing means landing our resources, the first is to address each expenditure that does not pose the importance of financial sustainability, and the other option is to expand some of the state's resources. He said that even borrowing the mismatch of resources with the priorities of the internal and the other external sources that are of the types of sources, including low-cost, average cost and other priority and certainly few sources because the cost of the hedge emergency is important. "

Saleh said, "The salaries take about a third of the financial budget and the government to address them so that high salaries are reasonable and logical ladder reduce cost and waste in this aspect and if there are areas of operational expenses or to spend unnecessary are also addressed."

He said the "reduction of the budget in 2016 was built on the new standards and must be reduced to the extent possible with reducing the exchange in front of the doors of the new directions of the government and sent to the House of Representatives free of high expenses and expenses and be logical budget commensurate with the reforms."
He pointed adviser to al-Abadi, that "the Council of Ministers wants to build an efficient budget for the current reality and do not want to repeat last year's experience to go to the court of appeal in Alatjadih but we want harmony between the government and the parliament's budget and I expect that this is achieved is high."

The Ministry of Finance has announced that in 16 of last September it had delivered the draft 2016 budget to the cabinet for approval as published in its official website a copy of the draft, but the Council of Ministers decided in its meeting last Tuesday to form a committee to investigate how the leak of this draft to the media.

And calculated this draft - also published by the Ministry of Finance - Revenue from export of crude oil on the basis of the average price of $ 45 per barrel and the rate of export of 3.6 million barrels per day, including 250 000 barrels per day of product quantities of crude oil in the Kurdistan region and 300 000 barrels of oil amounts raw product by the province of Kirkuk, and that all revenue actually income once the public treasury of the state to account.

She noted that the draft budget to the speculative revenues from Iraq's oil sales for the next year in 2016 estimated $ 59 billion is equivalent to 83% of federal budget revenues.
According to figures contained in the draft that the oil revenues and mineral wealth is estimated at 69 Trliuna and 773 billion and 400 million Iraqi dinars, equivalent to about 83% of the total revenue conjecture 84 trillion dinars and add to it the amounts Estimated obtained from the loans and the other to cover the deficit in the budget.
This is equivalent to oil revenues, the value of the dollar 59 billion and 130 million Dolar.
