The Finality of This Age, and the Proof of Mankind's Folly..
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Thread: The Finality of This Age, and the Proof of Mankind's Folly..

  1. #1

    The Finality of This Age, and the Proof of Mankind's Folly..

    Hello Friends...

    So once Iraq does have the monetary reform that this countries people seek, (and us as well) what will this oppressed nation be privy to?... They will have freedom to a certain extent, in physical form, and have services rendered them that they have not had access to for a very long time... Things we can, and have certainly taken for granted within our nation... But do these things, or should these "things" define us as individuals?... What if the situation that Iraq has been experiencing becomes this nations problems in the next decade?... HMMMMMM...... Don't think it could not happen in a relatively short period of time...

    Just because the US is still the vessel being used by God to fulfill HIS prophetic WORD now, does not mean that we will be HIS rod in the next decade... All nations rise, and fall at some point as history has proven... We are no different... Even the nation of Israel fell due to their sinful behavior... Yet, even though Christ Jesus told them their standing with God was not good through HIMSELF, and through HIS prophets, they refused to believe HIM...

    And even though the people of Israel thought they were doing God a service by murdering HIS own SON, and persecuting HIM through the saints HE had called... Simply because the leadership felt threatened... As their supposed power was being usurped, while being wrong in every way in the eyes of our Creator... But whatever power these priests thought they had, it was not even theirs... It was granted them by God above... And of course our Savior had to die in order for mankind to be granted an opportunity for eternal salvation through Jesus Christ... But they certainly did abuse it for all the wrong reasons.. In fulfillment of God's Word as HE declared these so called men of God would..

    So whatever achievements nations, and the people's thereof have experienced throughout the ages is simply because God allowed for it... But because of our folly, HE can, and will take away any greatness a nation may think we have achieved by our own volition... HE is the final JUDGE as HE is worthy to be, and has done this quite perfectly throughout the centuries...

    God has used the greatness that He alone granted nations throughout history as HIS judgment rod... He referred to King Nebuchadnezzar as his servant in Jeremiah chapter 25 verse 9... Were the Babylonian people a righteous people, and was this king one who worshiped God exclusively?... Absolutely NOT!... But, Nebuchadnezzar was shown the excellence of God as declared within the pages of the book of Daniel the prophet... So even though this king of Babylon did not honor God exclusively, he still was used by God... Babylon, as all great nations have done throughout history, did fall after the appointed time of their kingdom was fulfilled in accordance to God's sovereign will..

    Is the US any different?... Has this nation become an abomination to God in many respects, while propagating sinful behavior via the media, as this serves as a reminder of our fallen state for the most part?... It is sad to see this irreversible trend of hedonism continuing in our nation... In fact one has to truly look real hard to find any semblance of goodness being promoted via the media vs. the lawlessness that has come to define many within this nation...

    Does it come as a surprise to our Creator? NO it does not!... But we as believers in HIM have our confidence in the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the kingdom HE will bring forth to this ill fated world at HIS return... We declare HIS WORD while placing NO confidence in this world's current state until that prophetic, and triumphant return... We can still lead joyful lives despite knowing that it will grow darker before the LIGHT of the world returns.. Because our hope is not in the flesh, or the ways that pertain to it... For that way of thinking, or living will only lead to death as Romans chapter 8 points out...

    Prophecy has to simply play out... We cannot stop, nor control it through elections, or any other process... We have to live our lives with the understanding that God is in control, and HIS control is unshakable... NO matter how bleak the situation is in the physical realm, HIS strength in us will help to guide us through the darkness if we trust, and rely upon HIM...

    Prophecy has also been declared within God's Word... There is NO adding to it, nor taking away from it... There are many who have, and still do come in HIS NAME that are guilty of doing this, and these false prophets mislead the children of God... Whether inadvertently or not makes no difference... We should be viewing God's prophetic Word, while comparing it to the current conditions of the world at large... For HIS WORD is the WORD... Using Gods name in vain is of course not viewed by our Creator as good considering what HIS 3rd commandment declares... And HIS commandments (all ten) are good... The very reason Jesus died is because we broke them, and transgressed against HIM... Do we have a pass through our Savior to continue to practice sin, or should we be striving to overcome that which HE laid down HIS life for?...

    What was declared in Daniel chapter 12 verse 4 in that many would travel, or run to, and fro as well as the increase in knowledge (both good, and bad.. This verse never specifies one or the other), we see that technology has increased... Thus making it possible for traveling around the world in a relatively short period of time... Knowledge about God's prophetic plan has also increased for those seeking HIM in Spirit, and in Truth... But the knowledge of evil, and the practice thereof has also escalated, and in fact supersedes the knowledge of God, as this world continues to fall prey to Satan's spiritually deceptive devices... Thus setting up what will be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation, even to that time. (Daniel chapter 12 verse 1)... Read the total chapter, and it summarize's events, and even declares that the power of the holy people will be completely shattered...

    This is what is referred to as the Abomination of Desolation, which occurs during the latter portion of the great tribulation... The power of the holy people is of course the Holy Spirit.. When the physical lives of the saints are taken by the man of sin, or the beast and his servants, it will have a spiritual effect on this world that will be like no other time in history... As 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 declares until HE (the Holy Spirit) is taken out of the way, the man of perdition, or beast will not be revealed...

    God will allow HIMSELF to NOT hold back the forces of darkness as HE has done up until that point in time for several reasons... To test the saints who have HIS SPIRIT in them, and of course to show those who place their trust in the flesh the futility of living life in this fashion... This is the mystery of lawlessness, and why Satan has to use Babylon, and spiritual deception through various means, in order to allow him to control the physical lives of those who will be in bondage to this fallen entity due to the practice of iniquity, or sin...

    Those with the Spirit of God in them through Christ Jesus, will not be fooled by Lucifer's deception, and will not worship him through the worship of the beast... (see Revelation chapter 13 verse 4)... So from a physical standpoint, God will allow the saints who are alive at that time to be subject to death as Revelation chapter 20 verse 4, Daniel chapter 12 verses 2, and 7, and chapter 7 verse 25 declare... The key to this is that God ALLOWS for this to take place... So the children of God should not fear this, and remain steadfast while relying on the Spirit of God for that good courage to endure to whatever end our Father in heaven decides for us on an individual basis...

    Another example is the 10 kings who will be ruling over a kingdom which is comprised of 10 regions... These ten kings are the 10 horns of the beast (see Revelation chapters 13, and 17) as well as the 10 toes described in Daniel chapter 2 within King Nebuchadnezzar's dream... Look up the Club of Rome online, and come to understand one of their main objectives is to separate the world into 10 regions... Here is a link to gather information about this subject that is quite scriptural...

    Many had been taught in the past, including myself, that this last kingdom would be exclusively in Europe, and that the 10 nations would exist within this area of the world... But we must remember that scripture points out that the beast will rule all nations, tribes, and tongues for a period of 3 and one half years...The ten kings will be subject to this man of sin simply because authority of the 7th, and last kingdom will have been granted him by the dragon, or Satan... We must also keep in mind that while this is a Satanic kingdom, this kingdom along with all other great nations, or empires that have ever existed, are still used by God to fulfill HIS purposes, and carry forth HIS judgments in the end... Until Jesus Christ returns this will be the case...

    Reading in Revelation chapter 17 verses 15-18 God reveals that the beast, and the ten kings will destroy the Babylonian system that they basically ruled over, as well as the inhabitants within this empire... All of this will transpire as these kings from the east, (who remember have given their authority to the beast), will be heading to the Valley of Megiddo to fight the very ONE who wants to save them spiritually... Destruction will be in their wake, and many will die as these armies will need food, and substance to sustain, and wage war with the Lamb of God... Have a look at chapter 16 of Revelation, and read what will have occurred before these armies gather to be defeated in the Valley of Megiddo... The 7 bowls of wrath poured out on the kingdom of the beast will have destroyed much of the world... Making it necessary for them to pillage the people's possession's (including cannibalism see Revelation chapter 17 verse 16), as destruction will be in their wake...

    You see, Satan uses the media to condition people who are not lead by the Spirit of God to except behavior, and abomination's that are truly horrific in nature... Hence, all of the zombie movies, and TV shows that saturate the airways... I realize I am being blunt, but our Creator is quite descriptive within HIS WORD as well about what will transpire... But we as God's children have NO reason to fear... Simply because HIS love, for HE is love, will define, and lead us through the valley of the SHADOW of death... In other words, death has no dominion over the saints of God because we have been saved for eternity from a spiritual standpoint... Those written in the Lambs Book of Life will indeed have endured to the end.... And again that end, in this temporary physical body, is up to our Creator, and Father...

    Read all of Deuteronomy chapter 28 which are the blessings for obedience to the WAY, TRUTH, and LIFE, as well as the curses of nations that allow for lawlessness to define them... A sobering reminder of how our own spirit's, when defined by sin, can justify some of the most heinous acts... This has occurred in the past, does transpire now, and will take place in the future... But again those who are steadfast in the integrity that defines our Great Creator, have a strength in them granted because of the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ, and their appreciation for HIM... HIS SPIRIT in us must be the primary focus in our lives in order to overcome, and endure to the end...

    So please let us make sure we do not subject ourselves to false prophesies that are not scriptural... There are many hirelings out there who are willing to take one's money, and declare what that individual wants to hear, instead of the TRUTH... Itching ears never has benefited anyone, and has lead a great many down a path of disillusionment, which ultimately leads to destruction.... Peddling the Word of God for profit is nothing new... Yet, many seem to gravitate to that instead of growing in grace, and in knowledge by relying upon the Lord Jesus Christ as their Teacher...

    After all, if one is going to be a part of a royal priesthood (see 1 Peter chapter 2), and a teacher (see Hebrews chapter 5 verses 12-14) under the headship of the High Priest Jesus Christ, it is prudent to prove all things in accordance to our Father's will.....

    The Father of lies, or Satan is quite good at what he does, and that is to foment confusion as our world is a perfect example of this... These includes the confusion among brethren as declared in Revelation chapters 2, and 3 when Christ Jesus addresses the spiritual condition of HIS people... But Lucifer's endgame is that he is worshiped in the overall scheme of things... While this fallen one seeks to usurp the very throne of God in vain.. (see Isaiah chapter 14 verses 12-15, and Revelation chapter 12)...

    Having an understanding of all of this, while believing, it is not good enough... Preparing for it with the help of the Spirit of God in one fully will be the only WAY that one will endure to the end.. Remember this folks once this RV does come to fruition... It should not be a time of physically gathering, nor the coveting of "stuff" on this earth... Our hearts, and minds, or inmost beings, should be focused upon the treasure in heaven that God has in store for those who are faithful in accordance to HIS WILL to the end... Whatever end that may be in the flesh...

    This "stuff" will perish, and can certainly cause one to stumble spiritually if coveted... That was one of Lucifer's problems, and frankly it was not his to covet, and declare his own to begin with... Be willing to give up, and forsake all when it comes to the love of our God... HE is to come before ALL in our lives... For with HIM all things are possible... While at the same time keeping it in perspective that God knows what HE is doing, and is in control despite the chaotic, and perilous mess we will be subjected to...

    Having confidence in our Father, and Savior means to wait on HIM, as well as not taking it upon oneself to react outside of the parameters set by our Sovereign Lord.. That has been a mistake many have made in the past... Even those who are the patriarch's of old... While these faithful believers did repent, never the less their sins, or misguided judgments were recorded for our admonition, and instruction... It is better to learn from others mistakes, rather than having to experience it ourselves to determine it was NOT the right thing to do...

    Relying upon the Spirit of God in us takes discipline, and a steadfast relationship with HIM on our part... For GOD is always faithful, and true...

    God bless, and have a great day...


    The coming of the Son of God as HE returns to fully establish the Lord God's kingdom on this earth is a foregone conclusion.. HE says it will occur, and it will be done... Here is a song that declares this according to Psalm 24...

    Remember that the enemies of God Almighty will be put to shame, and destruction... For HE is the LIGHT that will shine forth through earth's darkest hour... There is none like HIM, nor shall ever be.. This song has some great guitar, and cello work within it... The music, and the way this Psalm is sung is certainly captures the intent for which it was written...

    There are times when I lie within my bed, and seek within my mind the Lord God... Dwelling on HIS WORD is so enriching to a believers life.. Having the confidence in knowing that those within the body of Messiah are in HIS GREAT CARE... The ROCK of our salvation, and a HOPE that is not in vain.... From everlasting to everlasting the Lords love is with those who will seek, and fear HIM>..
    Last edited by popeye7; 09-23-2015 at 04:05 PM.

  2. #2

    Re: The Finality of This Age, and the Proof of Mankind's Folly..

    Hello Friends...

    I have corrected some of my grammar errors in the above post, and have added to it as well some more material... All for the edification of the saints in preparation for our Teacher's return... I realize it is long, but if you have the time please read it...

    We who placed our trust in the strength of our Almighty God in us understand that our flesh is not sufficient... The apostles of our beloved Savior found this out the hard way when HE was being delivered up to be crucified... While these disciples had the best of intentions to protect their FRIEND, they did not endure when their physical lives were in peril, and they realized that Jesus was not fighting at that point in time... These men were quite confused when they saw HIM being beaten, and smitten... Wasn't HE the ONE who was to deliver their countrymen from the tyranny of the Roman Empire, and the oppression of the priesthood?...

    Well, as God's prophetic Word pointed out within the written WORD of old, our Savior was to come initially for the saving of our spiritual well being... NOT the fleshly existence we have been granted through HIM... Until HE returns, this has been, and must continue to be the focus of the saints... HE died so that we would have the opportunity to LIVE from a spiritual perspective, and have this hope of LIFE because of HIM being the firstborn of many of HIS fellow brethren... ONLY through GOD do we have life everlasting, and all will be done in accordance to HIS timing (contained within scripture), and HIS SOVEREIGN WILL...

    HIS coming will indeed usher in a NEW ORDER that will be forevermore... There are those in positions of leadership within our world who have declared the world is in need of a "NEW WORLD ORDER," but the reality is it is one that is not of our CREATOR... Although allowed by GOD, it is a form of governance that will fool a great many into being subjected to the devil, and his fellow fallen ones, while declaring liberty in it... We must be careful not to place the cart before the horse, and be fooled into this great deception that has its beginnings in the spiritual realm... A test for the saints, and of course showing us as individual believers if we are relying upon the flesh, or upon our Shield, and Chief Shepherd... The flesh leads to death, but the Spirit of God, and those who rely upon HIM within them have life from everlasting to everlasting...

    God bless you folks, and have a great day...

    Last edited by popeye7; 09-22-2015 at 07:49 PM.

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