Integrity court investigating 53 corruption of the Ministry of Finance File

09/14/2015 01:01:00

Integrity Court of economic crime and money laundering in Baghdad announced the existence 53 issue of financial and administrative corruption related to the Ministry of Finance, and while confirming that some of the defendants in a high varying stressed that the investigation was mostly in advanced stages.

He said Ehab Abdul Redha Integrity investigative judge in Baghdad, said "his court is currently considering 53 files belonging to the Ministry of Finance relating to charges of financial and administrative corruption."

He said Abdolreza that "a portion of these files has reached advanced stages would be referred to the trial court."

He noted that "the defendants in these cases, some degree of director general of the Undersecretary of the Ministry"

The judge noted achieve integrity to "approach the Office of Inspector General in the Ministry of Finance to provide administrative investigation and the statement of the amount of damage in public money earned because of these files."

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