Traders and truck drivers accuse Sitarat Baghdad to take "royalties" up to $ 2000

Baghdad-Iraq-Presse August -29 / August: the face of traders and drivers of trucks carrying food to Iraq from Jordan, Turkey and Iran's security forces at the entrances of Baghdad to impose "royalties" up to $ 2,000 on each truck.

The dealer said the food Fattah Ali, said that "the army and the police and the traffic in the capital Baghdad impose royalties on truck drivers transporting goods." Fattah said, "The army and police forces and elements of traffic impose royalties on each truck trying to enter the capital of the main outlets." And such royalties ranging between $ 500 to $ 2000, which resulted in the accumulation of hundreds of trucks in front of the checkpoints at the entrances to the capital and damaged hundreds of tons of goods because of the late entry of trucks for more than two weeks as a result of traders Altasvih.bhsp procedures Fattah said, "If the army, police, traffic impose royalties on the traders and drivers, how we will give the complaint against them, you will raise our complaints against them, and where the Iraqi government, which is going on?". And resulted in the imposition of royalties on traders and truck drivers transporting goods from rising food prices and commodities in the capital Baghdad, the negative impact on citizens, especially those with limited income.
Said Yassin Abdul Wadud, "The government forces of the army and police resulted in raising food prices almost doubled in Baghdad, due to prevent entry of trucks transporting goods to the capital only after payment of royalties by traders and truck drivers, and this is the reason for the accumulation of hundreds of trucks at the entrances capital, and thus delayed the arrival of goods and foodstuffs needed by the market, raising the price more than doubled. "

He adds Abdul Wadud, "we have such an Iraqi says" Haramiha protector, "and this proverb perfectly applies to members of the military and police forces in Baghdad, unfortunately, and the catastrophe worse than that traffic devices do the same traders and became front pay royalties to the army and police and traffic, what causes them substantial losses as a result of their goods and their material damage due to the accumulation of their trucks in front of the entrances to the capital for weeks in light of the degree of extreme heat. "

And resulted in the accumulation of trucks and delayed its arrival in front of the entrances to the capital for more than two weeks each time for hundreds of tons of food and goods damage due to high temperatures, which reached more than half the boiling point.

He accused the government of the army and police and traffic forces traders responsible for the damage to these materials and the heavy losses that have affected the Iraqi market seriously.
He said Mahmoud al-Obeidi, who works truck driver, said that "the army and police and traffic devices do not allow us to enter the capital only after payment of a royalty of between 500 to $ 2,000 per truck, and he refuses more traders and drivers for paid because they steal unwarranted Vtkdst hundreds of trucks on entrances to the capital, and caused damage to goods, especially food items that do not bear the extreme temperatures. "
He revealed the beginning of a security source, who preferred not to be named, that "the officers of the army, police and traffic prevented entry of trucks transporting goods and food to the capital, Baghdad, for those who do not pay royalties required, they share such royalties, including and up to large sums exceeding $ 2,000 (two million five hundred thousand dinars) per truck sometimes. "
Observers and demanded the Iraqi government to punish the military and police officers and traffic enforcement officials such royalties that caused raising the prices of food and commodities and reflected on the shoulders of the ordinary citizen.

The estimated Iraq's imports of food and fruits and vegetables, from Jordan, Turkey and Iran about 3 million dollars a day to cover the needs of most cities in the country, according to statistics Smh.anthy (1)