The Wickedness that Pervades Iraq Shows Evil Dominates the World..
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Thread: The Wickedness that Pervades Iraq Shows Evil Dominates the World..

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    The Wickedness that Pervades Iraq Shows Evil Dominates the World..

    Hello Folks...

    One of the many lessons we have learned, or may have already known as we have followed along with how Iraq has been governed over the years, is that it is a reflection of our world.. Only our focus upon it, due to our investment, has opened our eyes to just how easy we can be seduced by the physical world... The remedy, or the alleviation of many of Iraq's problems that have plagued that country from a physical perspective, could be remedied by the increase in the value of their currency... Most of us understand this...

    But have we stopped to think about how corrupt our own government is, and just how easy it would be to orchestrate a chaotic state in this country just by the devaluation of our own currency within the US?... Thus causing prices to sky rocket, and for riots to ensue... Looting, pillaging, murder, and total anarchy would escalate to an alarming rate... It would then stand to reason that the government of our nation would be looked to in order to bring about order if such a situation were to transpire... Something of that magnitude could certainly be orchestrated in order to bring about such a result...

    But what if the ones who represent the governance of our nation are evil as well?... How would that serve to help the people of this nation?...

    It would not of course, and we could very easily find ourselves in a situation the the Iraqi people have endured these last several decades... Sin has consequences, and all too easily have the people of this once great nation fallen prey to seducing spirits of darkness that have only grown more dominate within our society as the acceptance, and practice of lawlessness has increased...

    Our nation could certainly be likened unto a "house of cards" as this scenario mentioned earlier in this article is something that could so easily take place... We have seen riots so easily instigated in certain cities of our nation... Many times in the name of injustice... When in fact justice was correctly administered....

    Again this goes back to forsaking our Creator within a nation that was once defined by our freedom to worship Him in Spirit, and in Truth, and is a perfect example of how our idea of liberty can change... And with this change tyranny will be the end result... But there are those within our government who understand this, and are allowing for the funding of the promotion of hedonistic behavior... All in the name of freedom, and yet the result will be the control of a weakened population due to many allowing for sin to define them... It begins from within us all as created beings...

    Which is why we who are believers in Messiah must take a look at what Jesus Christ declared to Pilate before being handed over to the Pharisee's to be crucified... In the gospel of John chapter 18 verse 36, "My kingdom is not of this world."... Very telling, and yet does this apply in our day as well?...

    I was pondering about this subject, and just how deep this spiritual battle goes... How much influence do the spirits that represent darkness influence our world, and the governance thereof?... We read in Genesis chapters 18, and 19 that the Lord God appeared before Abraham, and Sarah as a man along with two of God's angels... They too appeared as men, and I believe will serve as the "two witness's" during the last three, and one half years of the Great Tribulation as described in Revelation chapter 11... They will sends plagues upon those who worship the beast, and have received his mark during this time... These two cherubs actually stand before the Lord of all the earth as described in Revelation chapter 11 verse 4, and Zechariah chapter 4 verses 11-14...

    These two cherubs were sent into Sodom, and the surrounding cities to see if the reports about how evil the inhabitants were, were actually true... They were also sent to deliver Lot, and his family from the destruction that would shortly ensue due to wickedness that was being practiced by the people's of these cities... The utter desolation of this region took place to show the judgment of God unto all nations both then, and in future times, as this account was recorded as a warning.. God will not tolerate sinful behavior becoming the norm within any nation...

    So with the knowledge of scripture pointing out that God's angels can appear as men in the sight of mankind, would it not stand to reason that fallen demons could very well do the same?... God's Word declares that while we entertain, and help those who appear as men, these could very well be angels in order to test us... So how do we know that those who we see in the public eye, even in positions of authority within governments worldwide, are not actually angels appearing in human form?... What if these individuals are actually demons?... These fallen ones can appear as "angels of light," or in human form, as those who represent what is just in order to serve a purpose contrary to God... We see this within the political spectrum all too often...

    Seemingly far fetched isn't it?.... But again we read in Ephesians chapter 6 that are battle is not against flesh, and blood, but against principalities of darkness in high places... So would it be a stretch to declare that just maybe demonic entity could take the form of a fellow human being who is unknowingly dead to the public, and appear to be that person in the same form?...

    Just because we do not want to believe something as not being true, does not mean it is not friends... The supernatural is just that, and scripture points out that as we near the end of this age, we will see signs, and amazing wonders so out of the ordinary, that if it were possible even the elect of God could be deceived... Again, by their fruits, not their miracles we will know the truth about what an individual represents in the overall scheme of things...

    While miracles may seem amazing to us physical human beings, these should certainly NOT be a criteria as to whether or not someone represents our Creator in Spirit, and in Truth... As our Savior pointed out there will be MANY false prophets as we close this current age we live in... God will allow for these to bring a strong delusion to those who are deceived, and have not the Spirit of God...

    For those who are alive as we near the end of this age, it will certainly be a wild ride... Both physically, and even more importantly spiritually... Which is why reliance upon the flesh will only lead to disillusionment, and sorrow... The need for Christ Jesus to be fully in us through His Spirit is imperative as evil escalates in practice... A test for the saints of God is indeed ongoing so as to see if we place our trust in men, or even unknowingly, demonic entities...

    Certainly a sobering reality that again must not be discounted as too far out of the ordinary to transpire... After all we are flesh, and blood that God has created lower than the angelic realm... And certainly these fallen spirits have abused their power, in vain I might add, in order to bring forth a result that will ultimately be destroyed by God their Creator...

    But we know that God is ultimately in control, and is our Shield in this spiritual battle... Remember that if our Creator is for us, who can certainly prevail against us... Even unto death, those in Christ Jesus will have the certainty in knowing that the promises of God will be fulfilled, and we shall live for eternity with the very ONE who granted us life...

    God bless, and have a great day..

    Last edited by popeye7; 04-09-2015 at 02:47 PM.

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